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2 Roads to Life in Spain

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Submission of documents through the Consulate of Spain

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Residence for study, research or volunteering

Golden Sparkles

Residence without the right to work


Below are the types of residence for people without a residence permit in Spain .


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Application form for a residence permit without the right to work
Valid passport
Confirmation of availability of financial resources
Medical insurance
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical certificate
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Payment of visa fee
Residence visa without the right to work

Visa for residing in Spain without carrying out any gainful activity (work or professional activity) provided that there are guaranteed and sufficient means of subsistence. This visa does not grant the right to work.

The following family members may also receive a visa:

  • Spouse or cohabitant.

  • Children and ascendants who are dependent and are part of the family.

Basic list of documents

Reunification with a family member living in Spain


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Valid passport
Certificate of admission to training
Confirmation of availability of financial resources
Medical insurance
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical certificate
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Confirmation of the identity and legal capacity of the representative
Permission from legal representatives
Payment of visa fee
Study visa

Visa for staying in the country for more than 90 days for study.

The following family members may obtain a visa to accompany a student:

  • Spouse or cohabitant.

  • Minors or disabled children.

A visa obtained by a student's family member does not give the right to work.

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Valid passport
Initial approval for family reunification
Residence permit of the reuniting person
Documents confirming relationship with the reuniting person
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical certificate
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Confirmation of the identity and legal capacity of the representative
Payment of visa fee
Family reunification visa in general regime

Visa for relatives of foreigners who already reside legally in Spain and wish to exercise their right to family reunification.

This type of visa is not issued to relatives of citizens of the European Union, Member States of the European Economic Area or Switzerland (see "Visas for a family member of a Union citizen").

Relatives who can obtain a visa for family reunification
- Spouse

- Children of the reuniting person, children of the spouse or cohabitant - even adopted children

- Parents (father or mother) of the reuniting person and their spouses or cohabitants

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Valid passport
Initial Residence and Employment Permit
Employment contract
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical certificate
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Confirmation of the identity and legal capacity of the representative
Payment of visa fee
Work visa with the right to official employment

Visa for persons over 16 years of age who intend to work in Spain as an employee (with an employment contract). Includes seasonal work.

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Действующий паспорт
Разрешение на проживание
Справка об отсутствии судимости
Подтверждение проживания на территории консульского округа
Оплата визовой пошлины
Identity and proof of legal capacity of the representative
Visa for highly skilled professionals

Visa to carry out employment in Spain as a highly qualified professional, as a manager of companies that meet certain conditions established by current legislation, or as a graduate or postgraduate student of recognized prestigious universities and business schools.

The following family members of the employee may also receive a visa:

  • Spouse or cohabitant.

  • Minors and adults who are economically dependent on the worker and do not themselves form a family.

  • Relatives in the ascending line who are dependent on the employee.

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Valid passport
Documents confirming investment
Financial resources
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical insurance
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Confirmation of the identity and legal capacity of the representative
Payment of visa fee
Investor visa

A residence or stay visa for foreigners who make significant capital investments, which include:

  • Acquisition of real estate for a minimum amount of 500,000 euros of unencumbered assets

  • An initial investment of at least €2 million in Spanish government debt securities; or €1 million in shares or equity interests in Spanish companies

  • A business project in Spain of general interest based on the creation of jobs and an appropriate socio-economic impact in a geographical area

The following family members of the investor may also receive a visa:

  • Spouse or cohabitant.

  • Adult and minor children

  • Relatives in the ascending line who are dependent on the employee.

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a long-term residence permit or long-term residence permit – EU
Documents confirming that the applicant's case for restoration of residence permit is in progress
Valid passport
Confirmation of availability of financial resources
Medical insurance
Certificate of no criminal record
Medical certificate
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Payment of visa fee
Visa for renewal of long-term residence permit or long-term residence - EU

Foreigners who previously held a long-term residence permit in Spain can renew it if they have been absent from the EU for 12 consecutive months, have obtained a similar status in another EU Member State or have voluntarily returned to their country of origin.

It is also possible to restore the status if the foreigner has been absent from Spain for more than 6 years. To restore it, it is necessary to apply for a visa, which involves two stages: first, restoring the permit, then obtaining a visa.

Basic list of documents


After signing the contract, the Client receives a personalized checklist based on an individual case

Application form for a national visa
Valid passport
Positive conclusion on the project
Confirmation of availability of financial resources
Medical insurance
Certificate of no criminal record
Confirmation of residence in the consular district
Confirmation of the identity and legal capacity of the representative
Payment of visa fee
Entrepreneur visa

Visa for foreigners who move to Spain to carry out the necessary procedures for developing an innovative entrepreneurial activity of particular economic interest to Spain.

The following family members of the entrepreneur may also receive a visa:

  • Spouse or cohabitant.

  • Minors and adults who are economically dependent on the worker and do not themselves form a family.

  • Relatives in the ascending line who are dependent on the employee.

Basic list of documents

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